Dr. Leonard I. Wiebe, PhD, DSc.

Dr. Leonard I. Wiebe, PhD (1970), DSc (2002) University of Sydney, Australia, holds Honorary Doctorates in Pharmaceutical Sciences from Meiji Pharmaceutical University, Japan (2002) and Health Sciences University of Hokkaido, Japan (2003). He was appointed to the academic staff of the Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences in 1970, and retired as Professor Emeritus in Pharmacy in 2003. Dr. Wiebe has held research appointments in the University of Tubingen, the German Cancer Research Center, the Heidelberg University in Germany, the Royal Prince Alfred Hospital and Sydney University in Australia. He has served as an expert consultant to numerous Universities and international agencies, including the Volkswagen Foundation, Cancer UK, the Australian Atomic Energy Commission (now ANSTO), the Helmholtz Foundation, the Canadian Institute for Health Research and the International Atomic Energy Agency. Professor Wiebe was the first Alexander von Humboldt Foundation’s Ambassador Scientist for Canada (2007-2012), and the first permanent Director of Biomedicine and Health at ANSTO.

As an Adjunct Professor in the University of Alberta’s Department of Oncology, and Research Associate at the Cross Cancer Institute, Dr. Wiebe has continued his research into the application of nuclear techniques in biology and medicine. As a medicinal and radiopharmaceutical chemist, he focuses on the design, synthesis and development of pyrimidine and azomycin-based nucleotides for radio-diagnostic and therapeutic applications in oncology and virology, and on the development of targeted drug delivery systems based on nanoparticles and rigid molecular carriers. He is a member of the Editorial Boards of several international scientific journals that publish in his fields of interest.